Indiecomputing Initiative Code of Ethics

Item 1 (Explanation of title). The official title of this document is "Indiecomputing Initiative Code of Ethics". This is to follow the footsteps of SQLite, which adopted "Instruments of Good Works" from The Rule of Saint Benedict. The one who adopts this Code of Ethics may or may not share the same opinion on how similar documents shall be written or enforced, but the author of this document - the Root Node of Indiecomputing Initiative - is forever grateful for the SQLite team to point out another way in the times of distrust and discontent.

Item 2 (Status of the document). The Indiecomputing Initiative Code of Ethics is completely independent; this means that it (1) has no relationship to any pre-existing Code of Conduct or similar documents, other than the one explained in Item 1; (2) has no relationship with the Indiecomputing Initiative Constitution and Indiecomputing Initiative itself, other than the fact that the author of this Code of Ethics is the Root Node of Indiecomputing Initiative.

Item 3 (Implication of adoption). The adoption of this Code of Ethics implies that the project team promises that all conducts will be carried out according to the items stated in this document.

Item 4 (Limits of implication of adoption). Despite certain items of this Code of Ethics may be written in the spirit of the Indiecomputing Initiative Constitution, the adoption of this Code of Ethics does NOT imply the adoption of the Constitution and does NOT imply the declaration of the project joining the Indiecomputing Initiative.

Item 5 (Allowed range of discussion). We kindly ask you to not talk about any topics that is not related to the technology during the course of contributing, unless it's to explain the reason of the breaking of previously-established promises of contribution (e.g. not showing up to a meeting that you promised to be present at).

Item 6 (Trust Principle). We promise to treat everyone in the same way with absolute zero regard of their own status in any tech-unrelated aspect; we kindly ask you to uphold the same promise during the course of contributing as well. If you believe someone should be prohibited from contributing purely for any non-tech reasons, you are not welcomed.

Item 7 (Effective range of this document). Any conduct that happens in discussion spaces that are not specifically designated for the project by the project team is not bound by this document; this include discussion spaces that are designated for the project by anyone other than the project team (e.g. common users).

Item 8 (Rule for change). The main text of this document is not to be modified in any way. Any extra rules which the project team adopts for their own reasons shall be written after the main text of this document in the form of addendum. If any addendum appended to this text in this way is in conflict with any of the items listed above, the addendum shall be considered invalid, i.e. the first 8 Items are in effect and not to be disabled as long as this Code of Ethics in effect.

