Indiecomputing Initiative Constitution Addendum (Root Node)

In the spirit of Rule 11 of the Indiecomputing Initiative Constitution, this addendum is set up and released to the public.

Last Update: 2024.7.8

Addendum 1 (Rule of Addendum). From now on, every addendum to this document shall be accompanied with the date of the day it's put in effect. (2024.7.7)

Addendum 2. Subroups are not required to adopt this addendum; the only rules they are required to strictly adhere to to call themselves a subgroup of Indiecomputing Initiative is the II Constitution. (2024.7.7)

Addendum 3 (Explanation of Rule 5). Rule 5 of the II Constitution states that "Whoever's on the untrusted list stays on the untrusted list permanently"; this means that one can decide to delay the addition of certain party to the untrusted list but cannot remove parties that are already on the untrusted list from the untrusted list. (2024.7.7)

Addendum 4 (Explanation of Rule 6). When a party violates the Trust Principle, they are no longer under its protection, thus making listing them in the untrusted list align with the spirit of the II Constitution and not a violation to the Trust Principle itself. (2024.7.7)

Addendum 5. Project maintainers who wish to have a discussion space are advised to strictly disallow non-tech discussion. (2024.7.7)

Addendum 6. As stated in the II Constitution, one of the purpose of Indiecomputing Initiative is to have an absolute-neutral stance on all non-tech topics; this means that Indiecomputing Initiative as a whole does not lean towards any side on politics and will not concern itself with the political leaning of any individuals (which is protected by the Trust Principle). (2024.7.7)

Addendum 7 (Replacement of Addendum 5). Project maintainers who wish to have a discussion space are strongly advised to strictly disallow non-tech discussion. (2024.7.8)

Addendum 8 (Explanation of "Trust" in Trust Principle). The "trust" in this case, in an informal sense, refers to the situation where one can trust the one who's being trusted to make informed and senseful technological decisions with absolute no influences from any individual's political stance. (2024.7.8)

Addendum 9 (DEI Untrust by Proxy). Any individual who has worked or is currently working in DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) related positions are automatically untrusted even though they have not been explicitly listed in the untrusted list. Nearly all DEI practices violates the Trust Principle, and the concept of DEI itself violates the Trust Principle in spirit. (2024.7.10)

Addendum 10 (Explanation of Rule 9). While no one should claim to be the global representative of Indiecomputing Initiative without being untrusted, one do be allowed to claim to be the representative of a certain subgroup. For example, the first Grand Observer of Indiecomputing Initiative is not the global representative of the whole initiative and is prohibited from claiming to be so by Rule 9; but he can still claim to be the representative of the Root Node, which is a subgroup (even if it is the first subgroup) of II. (2024.7.10) (wording fix on 2024.9.12)
